Monday, June 13, 2011

Conversations with Gunnar

If I don't write these down now they will be lost forever and that would be a crying shame.

Today Gunnar asked me "Mommy, did you know that one of Jesus' special powers is that he's basketful?" When I asked him what that meant he said "It means he's really good at basketball".

While I was tucking P into bed G, who was supposed to be tucked into his own bed, came frantically running into her room to announce "Mommy, there was a huge jet outside my window". When I asked him how he saw the jet since he was supposed to be in his bed he gave me a furrowed eyebrow and said "I was out of my bed doing my robot dance".

We were having a conversation about animals that it is not safe to go near and G named lions. Then he said "But God will protect us from lions". I was thinking about how to respond and he asked "Only Daniel?". I was thinking for another minute and I could tell that he knew he had stumped me when he said "well, if I ever go near a lion I'll just wear sticky shoes so that I can walk on the roof and get away".

Later, we were having a conversation about some new rules that we will have once the new baby gets here. When I was telling him that "we" don't touch her face he interjected with "and we don't pick her nose"...

Seriously, what a mystery the four year old brain is...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Humbling Conversation

This morning I was totally wrapped up in some task when my mom brain realized that Gunnar had gotten down from the table without being excused. The following conversation ensued...
Me: Gunnar, get back up to the table and finish your breakfast.
G: How did you know I got down?
Me: Because I'm the mom and I know everything.

Several minutes pass, during which G is dutifully eating his yogurt and watching our neighbors from the diningroom window.

G: Mom, do you know those neighbors? What are their names?
(Even though I don't know ANY of our neighbors, I look out to see exactly which neighbors he is talking about)
Me: No, sweetie, I don't.
G: See, so you don't know everything.

Who is more humbling than a four year old?