Friday, January 7, 2011

About Colorado

Keeping it in perspective...

The Top 5 Things That I Am NOT Going to Miss About Colorado...
1. The weather. I don't mind cold, I don't mind snow, I don't mind rain, and I really don't mind warm weather, but I do mind having them all in the same day.
2. Horrible drivers. I know that there are bad drivers everywhere, but there are truly an exceptional amount of them in CS, and the weather doesn't help this issue at all.
3. Having to drive 45 minutes to get somewhere. I hate big cities.
4. The liberal politics.
5. Wanting to live in Alaska!

The Top 5 Things That I Am Going to Miss About Colorado...
1. My friends.
2. The view from my livingroom window (though I'm banking on a good view at Wainwright).
3. Jake and Telly's. I'm pretty sure that there aren't going to be any restuarants in Fairbanks that serve flaming goat cheese.
4. Reasonably priced gas.
5. Focus on the Family. If you live here, you know.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your lists! I think mine will be very similar when we transfer! And seriously, I didn't think drivers could get any worse than in Massachusets! But the drivers here have destroyed that theory ;-) We will miss you guys so much!! Now I will have 2 more friends that will make Czak's desire to move to Alaska a little bit easier to consider!
