Sunday, January 23, 2011


It feels great to be back in the Northwest. Family, familiar stores and sights, and Portland make Chris happy. Despite the lack of interesting pictures, Portland is one of my favorite places to be. Close to the top of my list for reasons why is Cupcake Jones, a quaint little shop in the Pearl where I absolutely insisted we stop for dessert last night after dinner at Deschutes Brewery. You just can't beat the cupcakes. Aside from the amazing breweries and cupcakes that the Portland area has to offer, there are so many fun things to do with G & P. Yesterday we took them to the Portland Children's Museum, which I'm pretty sure we enjoyed as much as them. P is completely enthralled with the fairy wings that her dad got her there.
We were also fortunate enough to secure babysitting so that we could have an adult night with Sky and some great friends (Ben is the guy whose head you see in the Jones picture).
Of course, in addition to all of the awesome things about Portland, there are weird things too. Portland is known for their very enthusiastic campers -- campers so dedicated that they camp under the bridges and on street corners. Really, the town is full of weirdos and slackers. The dream of the 90's is alive in Portland -- ask any Portlander.
So, tomorrow we're getting on the street car and seeing where it takes us. It should be a fun day.

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