Thursday, January 6, 2011

So This is Where We Are

This is a sad, sad blog. I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted anything. Of course, it's no secret what has been keeping me away -- until about two weeks ago I was living on dry toast and Gatorade thanks to the new baby, which does not make for interesting blogs. In November I finally finished my Masters Degree, which means less time on the computer and less blogging in an attempt to avoid homework, and the king of all things that have kept me from blogging is the move from Colorado to Alaska, and that is where I find myself today (and have found myself for the last two weeks) -- getting ready for the move.
A lot of people will tell you that deployments are the worst thing about being a military wife, and I agree, but moving may be it's equal. Not going somewhere new or making new friends, but the actual act of getting your house ready to be packed and shipped, figuring out what you are going to do with no household goods, making sure that every piece of paper is signed, etc. is really the hidden monster in the Army.
Now don't get me wrong, because moving is actually my favorite part of the Army experience (well aside from the uniformed husand and all that entails), and this is a big move for us. John and I have been trying to beg, borrow, and 4187 people to death for about 6 years to get an assignment to Alaska, so we are super excited to be moving. However, excitement is not what I am feeling today. What I am feeling today is exhausted from staying up until one last night getting things in order, fear that the Army is going to send us meth head movers again, and hope that our friends will have mercy on us and invite us over to dinner once we're out of house so that I don't have to eat pizza too often.
Really, I just want this part to be over. I'm ready to be in the Jeep, heading away from Fort Carson (bittersweet though it may be) and heading toward a new chapter in the Army adventure.

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