Monday, January 17, 2011

Just Another Day in the Commander

How many of you who are not from the West forget that Utah and Idaho are even states? Go ahead and raise your hands - I know this happens because I often forget that Iowa and Wisconsin are states. Well I am here to tell you that Utah and Idaho have some of the best scenery in the lower 48 (I don't feel qualified to compare them to Alaska - yet). Today we drove through the Flaming Gorge across Utah and then north into Idaho. During our drive something amazing happened - it rained! I haven't seen rain in six months.
We made a necessary trip to WalMart in Rock Springs this morning, so we got off to a late start, but we still made great time and the weather held out for us again, even the wind died down. We bought each of the kids a digital camera to take their own pictures. They maxed out their memory cards taking pictures of all of the dead game on the side of the road and the cool signs they saw, so then they took off their socks and shoes and staged a sock puppet show. Thanks to a $17 investment called Mickey's Numbers Round Up, the cameras, and the sock puppets we had a generally tear free day.
The late start made us reconsider our final destination for today and we decided to stop in Twin Falls, Idaho, where the kids are currently knocked out after pool playtime. It's about time for me to join them.
Tomorrow we head for the reservation and the break from long days in the car is welcomed by us all.

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